Black & white portrait of Dani Audette, founder of Audette Law

Hi, I’m Dani! 

I’m honored you’re here.

I founded Audette Law to practice law on my terms and serve the clients I can impact the most—women.

Why women? Because women are badass. We don't need permission to be powerful, ambitious, and successful. We already are. But we do need a level playing field in business and entrepreneurship.

More women are starting businesses than ever before. Yet female founders receive only 2.7% of venture capital funding—2.7%! And that's not all; female founders are half as likely to obtain small business loans. I don't know about you, but these stats piss me off.

Women founders deserve equal access to resources, the eradication of gender bias in business and entrepreneurship, accountability and transparency in decision-making around funding, supportive ecosystems, visibility and representation, and collaborative partnerships. I am committed to leveling the field by making first-class intellectual property and startup/business legal services accessible to female founders. Audette Law is by women, for women. Every. Single. Day.

Women jump through more hoops and face higher hurdles in business. Period. Whether we call it the “broken rung,” the “glass ceiling,” or another of-the-moment catchphrase, it’s our reality. I used to represent Fortune 500 companies, foreign governments, pharmaceutical giants, international corporations, and billion-dollar financial firms. Guess what? Nearly all the decision-makers at these organizations were men. Let me be clear, I have nothing against men. My son will be a man one day, and I adore him. But the men are just fine. And my talents are more deserved elsewhere.

For the foreseeable future, I'm devoting my legal training and talents to elevating and supporting female founders. When women join together and support each other, we are unstoppable. Let's be unstoppable.

Connect with me on LinkedIn.

Five Fun Facts About Me

Third generation entrepreneur

Photographer for fun


Former dancer & choreographer; current boxer

Ethiopia is my second home

Black & white line drawing of Ethiopia

Should We Meet?

If you’re a badass female founder who wants to feel powerful and in control of the legal side of her business, I’d love to meet you.

We offer a FREE 20-minute initial discovery call for you to see what we’re about, and for us to determine if we are a good fit for your needs.