Who We Help

We work with female founders in all industries. Whether you are a company of one or many—we exist to elevate the legal side of your business. Whether you need an audit of your intellectual property, trademark protection for your brand name, logo, catchy slogan, and/or distinctive trade dress, copyright protection for your original content, business legal strategy, contracts to define business relationships and grow your company, or an outside chief legal officer/GC to act as your legal sounding board—we’ve got you.

*Our federal trademark and copyright practice serves clients throughout the U.S. and globally.    

Black & white portrait of a woman and man startup colleagues sitting at desks and  working on computers


For startups planning to market goods or services, it’s just smart business to develop your branding simultaneously with your product or service development. Developing your brand and messaging from the start can help you avoid a costly rebrand later.

Working with startup founders on initial branding strategy is one of our favorite things.  We partner with you to develop trademarks that give you strong trademark rights in your brand, logo, packaging, etc.

Securing federal trademark registration as soon as possible for your brand intellectual property is vital for startups. When you know your brand is legally protected nationwide, you can launch and grow your business with confidence and peace of mind.

Black and white portrait of an artist with her back to the camera and facing a canvas with paintbrush touching her head while she thinks

Artists, Creatives, + Designers

Artists and creatives often think copyright registration is the sole means available to protect their creative work and prevent copycats. But you have another legal tool in your belt. More and more creative professionals are making use of trademarks to protect their creative intellectual property.

Did you know that many musicians trademark their name, band name, stage name, etc.? Authors register their names, pen names, and sometimes their signatures (think JK Rowling) as trademarks, adding value to their intellectual property portfolios. Taylor Swift is famous for owning hundreds of trademarks that she leverages to continue to grow her creative and business empire.

Publishing companies, jewelry designers, textile designers, and book cover design services are taking advantage of federal trademark registration for their creative  work for merchandising and other purposes.

We work with both individual creative professionals and businesses to determine if trademark registration – in addition to copyright registration – makes sense for your intellectual property. And, if so, we take care of the rest.     

Black & white portrait of a mom business owner holding an infant and working on a computer

Mom Owned Brands

While we partner with founders of all types, we have a special place in our hearts for mom owned brands. Let’s face it, moms are the ultimate badasses. Starting and growing a business can be particularly challenging for moms who are out there saving the world and doing all the things. The last thing mom founders need is legal problems with their branding and/or their business. We strive to make business legal and brand asset protection easy and convenient for mom owned brands. We see you. We know what you are juggling, and we’re here to take this one thing off your plate.

Black & white portrait of a woman business owner with arms crossed and smiling, sitting at a table with open laptop and coffee mug

Professional Service Businesses

As a professional service firm, we understand the unique branding considerations that businesses like ours face. Our goodwill and reputation are vital aspects of our brands. If you are a professional services firm looking to bring on new members, expand to different markets, or launch new services or products, we partner with you to ensure the continuity of the firm’s goodwill and reputation. We help you minimize risk and protect your brand as your firm grows.

Black and white photo of the word "rebrand" in cursive writing with a black fine point marker under the word

Rebranding + New Products or Services

Sometimes companies need to rebrand. Rebranding can be voluntary or forced (e.g., your business is infringing on someone else’s trademark). Regardless of your reason for rebranding, we help you do it smartly and effectively so you can get back to growing your business.

Trademarks are particularly beneficial to companies looking to develop new products or services to add to existing businesses. You will want to clear any new names, logos, and branding for your new products as early as possible - and before your design or marketing team begins work on a new name, logo, etc. We partner with you to develop trademarks for your new products/services that give you strong trademark rights and are cohesive with your overall brand strategy.  


Like what you’re reading, but not sure what you need or where to start?

We offer a FREE 20-minute initial discovery call for you to see what we’re about, and for us to determine if we are a good fit for your needs.