GC For An Hour

Really could use a General Counsel for your business but aren’t in a position to hire one just yet? Let’s talk.

Audette Law’s GC For An Hour Strategy Session is a 60 minute virtual meeting (via Zoom) with Dani. You are in the driver’s seat. Ask all your business legal questions and get answers that are specific to your business, your goals, and your concerns.

What if I don’t know what I need to know about the legal side of my business?

No problem! That’s what we’re here for. We’ll collaborate to create your legal roadmap.

Our GC For An Hour Strategy Session is perfect for women founders who haven’t figured out their business entity, their trademarks, or what contracts they need. In our meeting, we will talk about your business model and goals, your products and/or services, and any specific legal concerns or questions you might have. We will map out what legal protections you need and when you need them. Our goal is for you to leave our meeting feeling in charge of your legal. That means knowing what legal to prioritize, what might be able to wait, and how to budget for all of it.

GC For An Hour Strategy Session - $525*

*Price includes our time to review your responses to the pre-consultation questionnaire and prepare for our meeting.