Who We Are

Woman CEO relaxed and drinking coffee at her desk.

We are women founders. 

We are also women lawyers who believe it’s time to level the playing field for women in business. We help badass women CEOs, founders, innovators, coaches, service professionals, and creators legally protect and grow their companies and intellectual property. Our business-forward mindset informs every aspect of our approach to IP and business legal. We collaborate with you to develop innovative, effective, and strategic legal solutions that are aligned with your values, goals, brand identity, and vision for your company. 

As female founders, we know where you're coming from, what you're going through, and what you will face. We see our role as your partner in (1) building a solid legal foundation, (2) managing risks, (3) preventing issues before they arise, and (4) ensuring you understand and feel powerful about the legal side of your business. We want to know your concerns, so that we can work together to develop solutions you feel good about.

We refuse to lawyer talk, patronize, or mansplain. You are powerful. We treat you that way.

Helping other female founders protect and grow their IP portfolios (e.g., brand name, logo, slogan, visual assets, content) is one of our favorite things. Investing in protecting your unique and valuable IP is badass. It also tends to increase the value of your business. Don't take our word for it; ask Taylor Swift (spoiler alert: she has a massive IP portfolio).   

Our founder has over a decade and a half of legal experience advising clients of all sizes and at varying stages of growth in the tech, pharmaceutical, retail, creative, and financial industries on how to navigate, resolve, and win commercial disputes. Her litigator perspective and substantial experience with commercial transactions is invaluable to designing proactive and effective business solutions for her clients. She understands that legal complications for startups and small businesses can be an existential threat. She also knows firsthand the unique hurdles women CEOs face in protecting and growing their businesses. That is why we serve women-owned companies.

We see you. We are you. Let's level the field—together.

Should We Meet?

If you’re a badass female founder who wants to feel powerful and in control of the legal side of her business, I’d love to meet you.

We offer a FREE 20-minute initial discovery call for you to see what we’re about, and for us to determine if we are a good fit for your needs.